A Twitter squabble has erupted between Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut and comedian Saloni Gaur as the former laid out her opinions about the laws for population control in India. When Kangana said that there “should be fine or imprisonment for third child,” Saloni shared an image suggesting that Kangana has two other siblings.
Kangana Ranaut on January 20 took to her Twitter handle and claimed that her Twitter handle was restricted. A few hours later, #SuspendKanganaRanaut started trending on Twitter. Kangana stated that the liberals reported her account to 'chacha' Jack Dorsey, Twitter's co-founder and CEO. On Thursday, Twitter took action against actor Kangana Ranaut by deleting some of her tweets, stating that the now-deleted posts were in violation of the platform's guidelines. Kangana had reacted. The latest tweets from @KanganaDaily.
Kangana recalled the Emergency and the forced sterlisation drives, Kangana wrote, “We need strict laws for population control, enough of vote politics.” She went on demand ‘fine or imprisonment for third child’.
Kangana Ranaut On Twitter
— Saloni Gaur (@salonayyy) April 20, 2021
After Saloni shared the image suggesting that Kangana and two siblings, the Manikarnika actor shared her reply that read, “No wonder your comedy is a joke on you,my great grandpa had 8 siblings in those days many children used to die, in jungles there were more animals hardly any humans, we must change with changing times, need of the hour is population control like China we should have strong rules.”
If you could understand complex topics like these you would do something worth while with your life not mock people their vulnerabilities their hard earned success to feed yourself, you clearly don’t know any better, little annoying dumb fool …
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) April 20, 2021
“If you could understand complex topics like these you would do something worth while with your life not mock people their vulnerabilities their hard earned success to feed yourself, you clearly don’t know any better, little annoying dumb fool,” read the next tweet by Kangana.
Kangana On Twitter
Team Kangana Twitter
Saloni is yet to react to Kangana’s tweets.
Team Kangana Ranaut Twitter
Saloni Gaur is known for playing various characters on her YouTube and Instagram handles. She gained fame with her character ‘Nazma Aapi’ and is also known for ‘Kangana Runout’, a spoof based on the Panga actor.